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Why You Need to Be Seen

Attention is the “starter currency” of all human relationships.

Being in an actual conversation with someone requires that you first get their attention. Getting their attention usually starts with them seeing you.

Let’s imagine for a second that you attend a conference, hoping that you’ll do some networking, build some relationships, and close some deals as a result. You get there on day 1, and you immediately go hide in the bathroom and you don’t come out until the conference ends.

This is what many people are actually doing with their brands.

They have an expertise and they have a business, but they’re just praying and hoping that people will “stumble upon them” and they will magically make money.

Look, we’ll be blunt.

If you do not learn to enjoy the process of being prolific as a creator, you had better immediately partner with someone who does enjoy it (and who is good at it), or you will get run out of business.

“But, but… where do I start???”

Glad you asked. Let’s dive in.

The Power of Imperfect Action

“Done is better than perfect…”

No doubt you’ve heard this phrase, or something like it, in the past. When it comes to content, there is immense power in just starting.

If you like creating videos, start publishing on Youtube and posting to Instagram.

If you like to write, start posting on the social media network your market engages with the most… and include a CTA to join an email list. Then write a newsletter to that email list as often as makes sense.

If you like to talk, whip up a podcast.

JUST START. Start now. And don’t stop. Even if engagement starts out miniscule.

Here are three basic “combos” that we see yielding results consistently for clients:

  • Youtube & Instagram (taking longer form video content, chopping it into “micro content” and posting on Reels with links to the long form)
  • Twitter & Email List (much like the example we gave above – regular posts with links to join list, followed by regular newsletter)
  • Book & Podcast (Create book as a demonstration asset, then pitch to it from podcast to create customer base)

Pick one of the combos and commit to doing it for one full year… 365 days. Only commit if you can be consistent with it. If you start and then stop a few months later, the market will forget about you by the time you’re ready to pick it back up again. You’ll essentially be forced to “hard reset” and start over.

Content and Competition

Look, the point we’re hammering home here is that you cannot compete without attention.

If you intend to grow your business, you will eventually be forced to create content of some kind. Example – if you decide that you will absolutely not be consistent with creating organic content on Youtube, a blog, newsletter, podcast, social channels, etc… you will have to create and run paid ads to get your attention.

What is a paid ad? Well… it’s content. It’s just a different form of attention.

But, here is the kicker. There’s concentration risk baked into this equation. If your competition has invested the time and effort to figure out the content game, and all you have is “paid” attention… they are going to be able to cream you on costs.

After all, you’re paying to get access to the same attention that they are getting for free. If their client acquisition cost is being properly offset by their content “moat,” they’ll be able to net clients for far cheaper than you can. And lower client acquisition costs, balanced through diversification of traffic, means faster (and more sustainable) scale.

Quit Being Selfish!

One last note. If you’re struggling with creating content and posting it consistently because you want it to “be perfect”…

Stop making your life all about you.

Yeah – this is going to be a little uncomfortable to hear. But that is the real problem.

People who can’t consistently ship and publish content are usually self-absorbed. They’re addicted to the idea that before they put something to market, it must be PRISTINE… and that putting anything less out into the world could damage their image.

Perfectionist tendencies are often rooted in self-preservation and pride. Not in some altruistic pursuit of excellence.

Publish… publish… publish… the long-term benefits far outweigh the temporary discomfort. When you look back in a year or two, and see the wealth of IP and the “moat” you’ve created, you’ll be glad that you did.

Speaking of Content and Newsletters…

Have you subscribed to our monthly Consulting Digest? It’s one of the easiest ways to stay in the loop on the models that we’re building, testing, and teaching to our high ticket clients (without paying us tens of thousands of dollars to access them). Every month we release a multi-page, magazine-style letter with articles on marketing, sales, client services, operations, finance, teams, and more! Subscriptions start at just $7/mo (and you get a ton of bonuses for joining).

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